
Chat Room(Under Construction)

Chat with members and friends.

Message Board(Under Construction)

Post messages, questions, and announcements for members and friends.

Download AOL Instant Messenger and be able to chat with the members. Here is a list of members who already have AOL Instant Messenger.

Arthur CardozaPiGeOnS6904
Kevin OliverBleachy69
Edward MaezCopperKid
Nicholas SchillingNCShilling11

Download ICQ and be able to chat with the members without being in a chat room. Here is a list of members who already have ICQ.

NameICQ NumberNickname
Earl Williams1288172Earl
Terrance Wilson16926800Cali_Guy18
Kevin OliverBleachboy
Edward Maez21996186Copper21
Christopher Rogers22135758Rent-A-Cop
Nicholas Schilling23936338Rocky11
Matthew Milde56804038Dr. Evil
Paulo Mathias76510821Paulo Ramone