Campbell Chapter, Order of DeMolay                                                                                October, 1999                                                                                Issue 115

This publication acknowledges allegiance and yields authority to DeMolay International of the Order of DeMolay, of which Frank S. Land was founder.


Table of Contents


From The East1

From The West1

From The South. 1

Devotional Day. 2

Officers' Advance. 2

Chapter Dad. 2





From The East



I am just curious, by a show of hands could I see how many people wished they could do something to inspire change? How 'bout understanding? How 'bout going against the grain?


At this moment, yes this very second, we need to make a very serious decision - what do we want to do to create change in our chapter? It's not up to me nor is it up to the advisors or Nor-Cal. It is a matter of us being a group and working as a team to accomplish what we desire. Simple, no?


Your M.C.,
Edward Maez




From The West



Well, so far I think it has been a very successful fundraising term even though we had a very slow start early in the term. From the Installation in early March we didn't have a fundraising event until April 30th and the next one after that was June 6th. Now with most of us out of school we can start to work really hard on our upcoming events. First off let me say I was really pleased with everyone's hard work on the Cartoon Breakfast. Everyone was doing something to help out to make the Breakfast a success and I thank you all for all of your hard work. Second, I was happy with the turnout at the Air Show at the last minute even with one of the days being Fathers Day.


Don't forget to turn in your Macy's Day money.



- S.C. Matt Milde
"What Me Worry?"





From The South



Increasing membership is the goal throughout N.C.D.A. On Friday March 26, Campbell Chapter held a prospect party at Saratoga Lanes. A lot of letters were sent out trying to increase participation - and it worked. We had FIVE prospects and seven members attend. After bowling, we went for pizza and to talk about DeMolay. Not only did the number of people attending encourage us; we may have been successful in attaining a new member. A lot of hard work was put into the letter campaign and phone calls - with positive results. We would like to continue this upbeat pace and see Campbell Chapter enter the new century with increased membership.


Chris Avila



Devotional Day



For Devotional Day Eddie decided to visit the mission in San Juan Batista.


On the morning of the visit no more than two members were on time. After half an hour most of the members attending arrived. The following half hour was spent on the last minute planning of the day. Having done that we piled into the cars and so began Devotional Day and there was much rejoicing (yay).


We were greeted by a burning building once we reached the mission. Hopefully no one was hurt. One of many questions asked when we unloaded was, "When is lunch?"


A highlight of our tour was the El Camino Real where we snapped photos of beer cans and experienced vines with very sharp thorns (Ouch!). After touring the dirt path we looked into the mission itself.


With many 'oohs' and 'aahs', we beheld many old tools and clothing while guessing some of their uses. Someone commented while viewing robes, "Why don't we eat at Togos?"


In the mission there was a garden, which contained flowers, trees, chickens and a bathroom. It was quite a well-kept garden and we would have noticed it if we hadn't been more interested in a black cat. While we took in the garden scenery someone asked, "So, what time do we eat?"


The time passed as we looked around viewing buildings and an outhouse. "Where are we eating?" inquired a member.


Before anyone went crazy with the repeated meal-related inquiries, we decided to eat at a small Mexican restaurant. There we discussed the meaning of life and how to make meetings more interesting. One idea was to incorporate the 70's into our meetings. Disco balls and Disco music very interesting?


While we chowed down we decided to take a hike, quite literally. We planned to hike around a place called Pinnacles.


Needless to say we weren't prepared for a hike, but we went anyway. We jumped over rivers, climbed up hills, jogged six miles and braved the darkness of caves. We were very, very tired afterwards.


Over all, it was a great day spent. We had a good lunch, a good workout and a great time.



Christopher Serrano



Officers' Advance



On the 20th of March, myself and several other members met at Jeff's house to outline the basic things we wanted to achieve for this term. Here are the basic things we shot for:

1) Themed (Yes, themed!) meetings; Let's just say "Senior Deacon in 70's garb"

2) Communication (Did ya hear me boys?!) with our complementing girls groups. Wouldn't refreshments after meetings be nice? Not to mention those sweet smiles?

3) Involvement (Yes, this means you!) in all our activities (Including fund raisers) by members, advisors and parents. I mean, do your parents have any idea about what we do? I'm sad to say it but my parents didn't know until this last installation make sure you tell your parents-it will help them be more supportive of us as a group!

4) Fun, Fun, Fun! (Till your daddy takes the etc.) You all have the calendar so I wont take up precious Champ space to list what's happened. The term calendar is crucial and I would like everyone to start bringing theirs to the meetings. Don't worry though I'm sure every thing will work out. Jeff Milde and I started a postcard program to get the month's events out to you.

Nothing is written in stone with our chapter plans-so start talking about new things to do. We're here to build friendships and to give support so let's start!



Edward Maez





Chapter Dad



Campbell is definitely back. Obviously the first indication of the return is the chapter's domination of West Coast ritual tournaments. Congratulations to the chapter and our members on their wins at P.R.I.D.E. We won 14 out of the 27 possible trophies. That's over half! Over the years Campbell has won 41 team events at P.R.I.D.E. ... the next highest total by one chapter is 6! Great work guys and Coach "Dad" Downey. Next is our improvement in membership recruitment and retention. Let's keep it up. Now we need to work on getting more people at activities. That shouldn't be hard. That's the fun stuff. Today the West ... tomorrow the South!


Dad Taylor








"People who think they know everything are very annoying to those of us who do."

-Nick & Matt


It has been a long time since the last Champ was out. In fact the last one came out at the Installation, so we decided to turn this one into a (half) yearbook or termbook. After this one maybe people will be more compelled to write articles. We enjoy putting out the Champ for you guys and we hope you enjoy it too. E-mails will be sent out about each newsletter.



Where's the food?

Nick Schilling


What Me Worry?

Matt Milde



If you would like to be contacted whenever this page is updated or if you have any suggestions e-mail

The Editors